Progressive Uniform Discipline Plan

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Monchy RC Primary School is a Uniform School

Monchy RC Primary School uniform policy is designed to reflect pride and to enhance the learning environment of our students by establishing an attitude of high expectations. Students are expected to come to school dressed in FULL UNIFORM. Students NOT wearing proper attire to school may be asked to call parents to bring them a change of clothing before entering the classroom or only if permission is grant by Admin.

A student who does not adhere to the Monchy RC Primary School Uniform policy will be subject to the following discipline:

1st Offense:                 and             2nd Offense:

  • Phone call home / WhatsApp message.
  • Uniform policy will be sent home to be signed and returned to the school the following day.

3rd Offense & Continuous Offenses:

  • Parent or Guardian must bring a uniform for student.
  • Parent/Student/Administrator conference.
  • Uniform Policy to be discussed and signed at conference.

Please emphasise the importance of arriving to school on time with your child.  Students who are tardy miss important opening directions and instructions given by the teacher and principal.No student should be at school before 7:30 a.m. unless they are participating in a special program. THERE IS NO ADULT SUPERVISION BEFORE 7:30 A.M.!!! Only children who eat breakfast should arrive at the school by 8:15 a.m. The breakfast program closes to all students at 8:40 a.m.

A student is LATE to class if he/she is not in the classroom by 9:15 a.m. OR 1:15 p.m.  The parent/guardian is expected to:

  1. Be responsible for his/her child’s school attendance as required by law and stress the importance of regular and punctual school attendance with his/her child.
  2. Ensure that the child has presented to the classroom teacher a written or typed letter to indicate the reason(s) explaining an absence, tardiness or early sign-outs to school.

Monchy RC Primary School uniform policy is designed to reflect pride and to enhance the learning environment of our students by establishing an attitude of high expectations. Students are expected to come to school dressed in FULL UNIFORM. Students NOT wearing proper attire to school may be asked to call parents to bring them a change of clothing before entering the classroom or only if permission is grant by Admin.

A student who does not adhere to the Monchy RC Primary School Uniform policy will be subject to the following discipline:

1st Offense:                 and             2nd Offense:

  • Phone call home / WhatsApp message.
  • Uniform policy will be sent home to be signed and returned to the school the following day.

3rd Offense & Continuous Offenses:

  • Parent or Guardian must bring a uniform for student.
  • Parent/Student/Administrator conference.
  • Uniform Policy to be discussed and signed at conference